Valknut meaning — all you need to know about this Germanic symbol

The valknut is a triangular symbol. People make it with three interlocked triangles. People find it on many objects from the ancient Germanic peoples’ archaeological records. The term valknut is modern. Also, the term or terms that people used to refer to the symbol during its early use are not known.

Scholars have proposed a variety of explanations for the symbol. Sometimes using it with the god Odin and comparing it to the three-horned symbol. It was found on the 9th-century Snoldelev Stone.

 So, it might be related to that.

Valknut is a blend of the Old Norse words ‘valr,’ which means ‘slain warriors’ and ‘knut,’ which means ‘knot.’

This is one of the boldest Norse symbols. Also, there are no solid accounts of what the symbol meant to the ancient people.

The valknut even comes in two forms. The three triangles are separated but joined in one version, while the three triangles are in the unicursal form in the other.

Valknut meaning

Valknut history

The symbol valknut meaning slain warriors’ origins are as mysterious as the symbol itself. There are accounts that refer to a description of the ‘Hrungnir’s heart’ in the 13th-century book Prose Edda. It is similar to the valknut we know today. People say that someone made the giant Hrungnir’s stone with three sharp corners in the book. Another story mentions the Norse God Odin and his ability to “bind and unbind” the human mind.

Meanwhile, people say that some depictions of Odin with valknuts represent the afterlife. The valknut is still a prime symbol for a certain Germain faith today. The symbol has also become a popular design for company logos and even sports teams.

Valknut symbol

People form the symbol valknut meaning slain warriors from three interlocking triangles. It is a common symbol that people can find carved or etched in memorials and runestones. It dates from the Viking Age, roughly 800 to 1150. From runestones in Sweden to ship graves in Norway, these ancient Viking structures can be found all over Scandinavia. We don’t know its exact meaning despite the fact that it is made up of three joined triangles. Valknut appears frequently in objects associated with Nordic paganism and in locations occupied by ancient Germanic tribes. The Valknut’s formation, like its origin and meaning, varies. It depends on an artist’s or designer’s thoughts. We can portray it as a triangular version of Borromean rings, the trefoil knot or triquetra (unicursal), or as a closed three-link chain.

Valknut meaning

Valknut meaning

People interpret the significance of the symbol valknut meaning slain warriors in many ways. Making sense of the various stories about their meaning always returns to Norse mythology. We commonly refer to the valknut as Odin’s knot. We also say that it represents the edge between life and death. Along with this, the power of the god Odin to “bind and unbind”. This is because valknut translates to “knots of those fallen in battle”. The symbol also refers to the warriors gathered from the battlefield by the Valkyries and brought to Valhalla. Some people still regard this symbol as a source against evil. Also, they wear it as a pendant, ring, or tattoo.

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A nice story about the valknut relates it to reincarnation. The nine points or sides of the three triangles represent the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology, according to Norse mythology. The three triangles intertwined represent the realms of heaven, earth, and hell.

Valknut and the Meaning of “the Three”

People widely used and thought Valknut to symbolise the significant “threes” in life because it is made up of three triangles.

For example, archaeologists linked it to fertility, rebirth, and reincarnation. The interlocking triangles were thought to represent the link between Earth, Hell (the underworld), and the Heavens.

Valknut tattoo

The triangled Valknut tattoo is an excellent choice for anyone who enjoys Norse mythology. Also, who discovers that the Valknut has other meanings that work for them. We see it to be a simple symbol of three interlocked triangles. But it often means much more to those who get the tattoo. For many years people use Valknut, which means “knot for those fallen in battle,” to honour fallen Viking soldiers.

People have given the most common meaning to Valknut tattoos. That is the traditional one. They are honouring a deceased loved one or friend. This is especially true for those who have lost a loved one in a war. So, we associate Valknut heavily with battles. This is a very creative way to remember someone who has passed away. This is because you are doing so with a pretty design that also has more than one special meaning attached to it.

Valknut meaning

Valknut meaning tattoo

The Valknut tattoo can also represent reincarnation, as many people see the interlocking circles as representing the various dimensions of the world. If you believe in reincarnation or simply enjoy the concept, this could be a very cool way to demonstrate it. What’s great about the symbol is that you don’t have to explain its depth to others. Also, most will have no idea what it represents. As a result, you can get the great Valknut meaning slain warriors tattoo. But, if you want to keep the meanings hidden. Thus, valknut tattoos are very common in recent days.

Is valknut Celtic?

The valknut comes in a variety of shapes, including one with rounded edges known as triquetra. It is common in Celtic cultural contexts. However, these variations may have similar meanings. So, we are not sure if they are related.

They are all clearly the Celtic trinity knot. But they are all contained within completely Christian contexts, possibly signifying resurrection, rebirth, and Christianity’s dominion over the whole world. According to a research, the valknut on the River Nene finger-ring is the only one in Britain or Ireland.

Valknut ring

Archaeologists were able to recover Viking jewellery from the remains thanks to archaeological excavations. Many of the symbols engraved on authentic Viking jewellery have become the inspiration for modern Viking jewellery. These include Viking rings, Thor’s hammer bracelet, Viking arm rings, and Thor’s hammer pendant.

According to people, the most well-known Viking religious symbols are the Valknut symbol meaning slain warriors and Thor’s hammer. Valknut is a German word that means “the knot of the fallen”. This symbol represents the Norse’s strong faith in the god Odin.

We discuss the Valknut symbol most widely. But, it is the best of all Norse mythology symbols. People make this symbol with the help of three interlocking triangles. According to archaeologists, we found this symbol on tapestries and stones dating back to the Viking era.

Valknut meaning

Is valknut bad luck?

The symbol Valknut meaning slain warriors rune is also known as the death knot. The Valknut is one of Odin’s symbols that represents death in Norse mythology. We consider this symbol to be unlucky because it is associated with death and the slain in battle.

Wearing a Valknut tattoo is equivalent to pledging yourself to Odin, which often results in a violent death for the wearer. So, before you get this small geometric tattoo, read up on what it means in mythology.

They die violent deaths because they are Odin’s followers, and the only way to enter Odin’s hall, Valhalla, is to die in battle. While wearing a Valknut will not kill you, you should avoid wearing one if you do not wish to follow Odin’s path. Symbols have a lot of power, and the Valknut is one of them.

Valknut symbol and tree of life

The tree of life, also known as Yggdrasil, the world tree, appears in many cultures, religions, countries, and even across continents.

We depict this most universally as a massive tree with not only widely spread branches but also deeply and widely spread roots.

In general, the tree of life symbolises:

  • Life, longevity, and procreation
  • Growth
  • Wisdom/Knowledge
  • Strength

This is because trees are a natural source of life that spreads throughout the world, bears fruits or seeds (fertility), and often lives a very long time, far more than humans in many cases excluding external influences such as deforestation of course.

Is valknut a protection?

There were many powerful symbols from the Norse-Viking period. For example, the wolf (for safety), the horse (for travel safety), the troll cross (an amulet that protected one from trolls). Also, the image of the Vegvisir (‘way guide,’ a late Icelandic symbol that helped one find one’s way), and the Web of Wyrd (web of fate). Again, as well as the runes, which we thought evoked mystical powers. However, ten symbols were found to be the most popular; they appear frequently in stories, images, and as amulets:

  • Yggdrasil – the World Tree
  • The Valknut – Odin’s Knot
  • The Swastika/Sun-Wheel
  • The Aegishjalmur – Helm of Awe
  • Mjolnir – Thor’s Hammer
  • The Sventhorn – Sleep Thorn
  • Gungnir – Odin’s Spear
  • The Ship
  • Huginn and Muninn – Odin’s Ravens
  • The Triskelion – Odin’s Horns

We can find these symbols as amulets (such as Thor’s hammer). Also,  in glimpses of the afterlife (such as the ship). Again, often in images showing the journey of life (such as the swastika/sun-wheel and ship). Whatever context they appear in, it is clear that people thought of them as significant evocations of powerful supernatural elements.

Because the Norse religion was non-exclusive, people very often find Christian symbols such as the cross alongside popular pagan symbols such as Thor’s hammer. We initially thought that Jesus Christ was just another god on whom one could rely for safety and guidance in life. This was true until Christianity became the prime faith and the old beliefs died out.

Is the valknut historical?

We can find the Valknut meaning slain warriors on a wide range of objects in areas where Germanic people stayed. The symbol appears mainly on the Nene River Ring, an Anglo-Saxon gold finger ring dating from the 8th to 9th centuries. A wooden bed in the Viking Age Oseberg ship buried near Tnsberg, Norway, has the symbol carved on an ornately stylized bedpost. Also, the Oseberg tapestry pieces, a half preserved tapestry found within the ship burial, also has the symbol. Ancient people mainly feature the valknut on two picture stones from Gotland, Sweden: the Stora Hammars stone and the Tängelgrda stone.

People have found the symbol in two traditional, topologically distinct forms throughout history. The symbol appears in the unicursal form, as a trefoil knot. We also clearly see it in the triquetra. Again, people find this unicursal form on the Tängelgrda stone, for example. We can also find this famous symbol in tricursal form. It consists of three linked triangles that are topologically equivalent to the Borromean rings. We can also find this tricursal form on one of the Stora Hammars stones, the Nene River Ring, and the Oseberg ship bedpost. Although other forms are topologically possible. Archaeologists have found only these so far in many many years. A valknut is a polygon with a loop on each of its corners in Norwegian Bokml. We very well know the looped four-cornered symbol as Saint John’s Arms in English.

Valknut triangle meaning

People have given a lot of theories to explain the meaning of the symbol Valknut meaning slain warriors. Some scholars believe it was a symbol of reincarnation. But others believe it saved the dead soul from evil. People say that the triangle’s nine points represent the nine worlds of Norse mythology. Also, people say that the three interconnected triangles represent the connection between Earth, Heaven, and Hell. Also, people link the symbol to Odin’s mastery of wonderful Seidr magic.

The Valknut, in people’s opinion, is certainly associated with Valhalla, the warrior afterlife where all Vikings hoped to find themselves. The connection with not only death but also Odin points in this direction. People also believe that this was a symbol used to identify the dead as living in Valhalla. However, it could also have been a magical symbol used as part of Seidr’s magic for this purpose.

The Vikings believed that no matter how noble a life you led or how brave a warrior you were, you had to die in battle in order to be taken to Valhalla. Otherwise, you would be relegated to another of the Norse afterlives. To that end, it was not uncommon for Vikings to stab those dying of illness or to place a sword in their hand after death in order to fool Odin and his Valkyries into believing the warrior had died in battle.

What is the Viking symbol for Valhalla?

Valknut meaning slain warriors is without a doubt one of the most well-known symbols of Norse mythology. We derive the term “valknut” from the words valr (slain warrior) and knut (meaning knot).

Many Viking tombs contained Odin-related figurines with the Valknut symbol drawn just beside them. This is because Odin was one of those who welcomed the heroes slain in battle to Valhalla. As a result, Valknut became known as Odin’s symbol.

Valknut, of course, has a deeper meaning. They make the symbol with three triangles, each with nine corners. What could those corners be referring to? The answer is straightforward. We associate each corner is with one of the Norse universe’s nine worlds. Furthermore, this symbol represents the life cycle as it progresses through pregnancy and motherhood.

Valknut, Odin’s Symbol in Modern Times

Valknut meaning slain warriors is one of the Viking symbols that has survived to the present day. It is, after all, one of the most well-known Viking Age symbols.

In Asatru, a new-age religion, Valknut is a prominent symbol. However, we don’t know the true origins of the religion. People officially revived it in Iceland in the 1970s.

Valknut meaning slain warriors is also known as Odin’s Symbol, the Slain Warrior’s Knot on Shutterstock by Anne Mathiasz.

Followers of Asatru primarily worship the ancient Germanic gods and spirits. Archaeologists have derived Asatru from two Old Norse words that mean “faith in the sir,” with sir referring to the Germanic gods.

Asatru adherents primarily worship the ancient Germanic gods and spirits. Archaeologists derived the term “Asatru” from two Old Norse words that mean “faith in the sir,” with sir referring to the Germanic gods.

We now practice Asatru widely throughout North America, Europe, and parts of Australasia. Many people refer to the religion as Heathenry.

The beliefs of the religion are largely based on pre-Christian religious practices. Moreover, Christians frown upon the idea of it. Also, the primary goal of Asatru is to live a meaningful life.

Also, Asatru’s practises are largely based on pre-Christian beliefs. So, the Asatru believers wildly associate Viking symbols with the old gods. The Valknut is one of these symbols.

Valknut FAQs

1.   How do you pronounce Valknut?

Ans. We commonly pronounce it as VAL-KNOOT.

2.   Is Valknut Celtic?

Ans. Some archaeologists believe that the symbol is Celtic while some scientists don’t.

3.   Is Valknut evil?

Ans. Anything is evil if you consider it evil. People have superstitions. But, people sometimes associate this symbol with the devil.

4.   Is the Valknut tattoo cool?

Ans. Many youth get a Valknut tattoo not knowing what it means. Sure, the tattoo is very cool. It is even cooler if you are into mythology.

5.   Where can I get Valknut jewellery?

Ans. Many online merchants like Amazon and Flipkart sell Valknut jewellery. You can select your favourite from their wide range of selections.

About the author: mike

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